Why is Measure H “in danger” if the Taxpayer Protection Act makes the ballot? Because they sold it with specific uses when it was a general use measure, “for general goverment use,” like the pension deficit and the skating rink and the pallet shelters and the lawsuits, etc.

24 Jan

Click to access city_of_chico_press_release_-_measure_h_2-27-23_wattachments.pdf

Where is the Measure H money being used? Because all that sidewalk work is being paid for out of other funds.

13 Jan

There’s more than one way to fund the government – how much do you know about where your government gets and spends their money?

31 Dec
Here’s the latest approved budget for city of Chico

Dave Waddell asks the city for public information, city spends $95,700 trying not to comply, but ends up giving him the answer anyway. Your tax money means nothing to Chico City Council.

21 Dec

California Governor and legislature are trying to take us back 240 years – they want to tax us without our vote. That’s taxation without representation.

17 Dec

Chico Mayor Andrew Coolidge: “The Taxpayer Protection Act is dead on arrival if it makes it to the ballot.”

13 Dec

City plans to pour more Camp Fire relief money into Downtown – what about the rest of town?

7 Dec

Are you comfortable with 50% + 1 of your neighbors hitting you up with a tax?

4 Dec

Why is American Rescue Funding going toward parklets and other sundries when the sewer lines Downtown are badly in need of replacement?

3 Dec


Does the press manipulate free speech?

22 Nov